Virtual Art Lab 2022


From March 10th to October 6th 2022

For the second year running I will be giving digital art tuition in the form of tutorials and online zoom sessions in Roseline de Thelin’s  VIRTUAL LIVE ART LABORATORY. See the full content of the course. Live Art Lab 2022

The Virtual Live Art laboratory is an online experimental art course and creative platform for experienced or aspiring creators. Artists, designers, coaches, therapists, group leaders and creators from all fields come together because they believe the arts have a role to play in their personal and professional life.

We draw from the principles of Interdisciplinary Expressive Arts and Art Based Research to anchor, inspire, refresh and renew our art practice. Artistic expression and the creative process become an experiential laboratory to explore, observe,  try out and discover, while engaging the imagination and cultivating awareness.

This ART BASED creative process combines theoretical teaching together with inspirational interdisciplinary artistic exercises, art assignments, mindfulness tools and group dynamic to support everyone’s creative process. We will work with a full range of artistic practices: drawing, painting and mixed media techniques as well as artistic rituals, installations, improvisations and performances. We will weave hands-on analogue and digital creation with creative writing, observing and journaling to nourish our creative process. We will develop skills to document and present our artistic production.

I will give digital art live classes on Zoom to integrate the use of
digital tools in your creative process and documenting process, these will involve use of photography tools, stop frame apps, film and sound editing, creating slideshows. Basically bridging and transforming the analogue art into digital format in organic and fun ways.

Please contact me if you need any more information about the course.